Project: Prévention de la violence durant la période électorale de 2010
Evaluation Date: November 2011
Report: [report link]
Lesson Learned:

The logic of intervention of this project did not fully take into account the rift that exists between the centre and the periphery in Burundi: between the governing and the elected community and collines representatives, who for the main part merely execute power. The project intervention logic overestimated the level of impetus that could come from community leaders. The theory according to which the grassroots population would become more dynamic if only they knew their leaders better was overly optimistic, especially when considering the level of education that these populations have and the traumatic war experiences that are still very present within these communities.

Theme: Rule of law
Project: Empowerment of Women Citizens in Turkey
Evaluation Date: February 2012
Report: [report link]
Lesson Learned:

Serious challenges were encountered in providing training to working class women – the ultimate beneficiaries – whose circumstances were very different from those of the middle-class, educated trainees. The Training of Trainers course did not endow its graduates with the skills necessary to deal with a wide range of subjects, with beneficiaries requiring practical information regarding their rights and on how to act to address problems of day-to-day injustice – in inheritance, property ownership and divorce-related disputes.

Theme: Women's empowerment