Project: Appui à la participation politique et citoyenne de la femme dans le processus démocratique au Burundi
Evaluation Date: November 2011
Report: [report link]
Lesson Learned:

The project was closely linked to the 2010 electoral challenges in Burundi to encourage women to vote and to stand for election. The election process, with a mandatory quota of 30% female representatives within institutions, was an important lever to generate collective awareness among all these leaders and shapers of opinion. This project also went beyond the elections by suggesting the creation of a National Forum for dialogue, allowing women leaders to overcome political differences and to exchange ideas on priorities to be implemented in order to improve the living conditions of Burundian women.

Theme: Women's empowerment
Project: Promoting political participation of marginalized populations in Ecuador
Evaluation Date: October 2011
Report: [report link]
Lesson Learned:

Although the project succeeded in achieving male-female parity during the training, the participation of women and young women in political life in Ecuador should be further strengthened. This is a key requirement for the indigenous movement, which has shown a willingness to develop specific training programmes for women on local participation, the practice of civic responsibility, and access to socio-economic and political rights.

Theme: Youth engagement
Evaluation Date: June 2018
Report: [report link]
Lesson Learned:

ICTs have the potential to strengthen the power of women and are under-exploited in Haiti today. Their demystification increases and strengthens the capacity for action, of relations and self-esteem of rural women, often victims of triple exclusion: as a woman, rural and poor. Grantees working on technology projects should collaborate with organized specialized in literacy to enable illiterate rural women to acquire computer skills.

Theme: Women's empowerment
Project: Increasing Women’s Participation in Politics and Decision Making in Angola
Evaluation Date: March 2013
Report: [report link]
Lesson Learned:

The project also collaborated closely with the Ministry of the Family and Women’s Promotion  and the Women Parliamentarian’s Group10  in Angola. The purpose of this group, created in 1995, is to integrate the gender perspective into legislation, promote the exercise of women’s rights, and fight all forms of exclusion. Strategically, the selection of the project’s partner organizations was wise, especially in view of their potential impact and multiplier effect, since all of them were involved in the training activities.

Theme: Women's empowerment
Project: Appui à la participation politique et citoyenne de la femme dans le processus démocratique au Burundi
Evaluation Date: November 2011
Report: [report link]
Lesson Learned:

Although all planned activities were carried out, three unplanned activities were undertaken and the project was able to reach a large number of women, none of the expected goals were achieved. The grantee opted for an all-encompassing approach, rather than a more rigorous approach which would have contributed to the final objective. Beneficiaries were identified via a system of suggestions coming from the three regions without there being any kind of control mechanism in place and women leaders could not be efficiently identified. There is no indication of women leaders having been identified in all 17 provinces and thereby covering the whole country

Theme: Women's empowerment