
Advancing Pedestrian Rights in Georgia

Grantee: Iare Pekhit

The project was generated by UNDEF itself, which approached the grantee and asked it to design the initiative as a response to the asymmetrical power balance between cars and humans in many post-Soviet cities. The project objective was “To create a systematic long-term approach and corresponding tools to effectively impact pedestrian strategy development and state accountability to pedestrian policy development and execution.”  The project approach was innovative  and agile in adapting to shifts in the context, using strategies such as art installations to generate media buzz.  The project achieved its objectives and was cost-efficient and well managed. Although it faces sustainability challenges, the grantee could potentially adapt and tailor their work to both international donors and other interested stakeholders. UNDEF’s flexible approach, initiative in generating project ideas, and willingness to generate a project in partnership with a small organization in response to a particular need are valuable assets in the context of this project.