Project: Strengthening Arts as an Action to Stand up for Women´s Rights in Nicaragua
Evaluation Date: January 2016
Report: [report link]
Lesson Learned:

Art and theatre can be innovative tools for mobilizing popular opinion and can contribute to a change in attitudes. Using art and theatre has also strengthened the capacity and visibility of the grantee in particular its ability to organize. Theatre productions and performances empowered the participants – not just in terms of artistic skills – but also enhanced their knowledge of their rights and confidence to claim them. The theatre groups used this opportunity to strengthen their relationship with civil society actors and local government entities.

Theme: Women's empowerment
Project: Empowering Civil Society and Women to Engage in Policy Processes
Evaluation Date: August 2011
Report: [report link]
Lesson Learned:

The project led to greater representation of women in decision making processes in the geographic areas covered by the project. The Women’s Network in the municipalities contributed to enhancing participation and also played a role in setting a municipal policy agenda and carrying out social audits. The project also succeeded in mobilizing community based organizations and women’s networks in extremely challenging socio-economic conditions of exclusion and extreme.

Theme: Women's empowerment
Project: MDG Unions: Building Participatory Democracy From the Bottom Up in Rural Bangladesh
Evaluation Date: May 2015
Report: [report link]
Lesson Learned:

The grantee presented data, which demonstrated an increasing presence of women advocating gender- and youth-specific concerns in the Ward Shavas. There is also quantitative and qualitative evidence of enhanced local government accountability and service delivery. In addition, volunteer animators, civil society group representatives and self-help group members, with whom evaluators have met, continue to mobilise local community members to participate in local governance, and to hold local decision makers accountable. Interaction among local Bangladesh government, Union Parishad representatives, and all segments of the local population worked and changed the way in which local governments make their annual budget planning choices.


Theme: Community activism