Project: Towards Collaborative and Transparent Local Development Planning
Evaluation Date: December 2015
Report: [report link]
Lesson Learned:

Although the project activities were carried out before the government decided on the type of local structures to be created, they served as a platform between prefectural development groups and village development committees. These platforms continue to be used by local communities and officials, as well as by other donors / NGOs for policy dialogue and project implementation. This means that the experience gained in governance and democracy through the project and the programme of which it was part, can be sustainable.

Theme: Community activism
Project: The Bottom-up Governance and Leadership Programme for Women in the Pacific
Evaluation Date: April 2011
Report: [report link]
Lesson Learned:

The concrete outputs of the project – the e-platform and the training modules – may be usable in future but will need to be reviewed and revised in the light of the lessons learned. This requires taking into account a solid cause/effect analysis in the country to be targeted. The materials should also be reviewed by a gender specialist to be made culturally more relevant to the projected participants. In particular, gender-sensitive approaches do not mean automatically excluding men – good gender-sensitive programming will take account of the relative status and roles of men and women, girls and boys, and aim to achieve outcomes for women that allow them to progress within family, social and cultural contexts.

Theme: Women's empowerment