Evaluation Date: June 2018
Report: [report link]
Lesson Learned:

ICTs have the potential to strengthen the power of women and are under-exploited in Haiti today. Their demystification increases and strengthens the capacity for action, of relations and self-esteem of rural women, often victims of triple exclusion: as a woman, rural and poor. Grantees working on technology projects should collaborate with organized specialized in literacy to enable illiterate rural women to acquire computer skills.

Theme: Women's empowerment
Project: Increased Citizen Dialogue through Strengthened Media in Jordan
Evaluation Date: October 2017
Report: [report link]
Lesson Learned:

Software and tools developed in a project may have different applications beyond the initial concept. In spite of the issues linked to different understandings of “Maidan” app,  the tool has potential to be highly useful and efficient for journalists and other actors alike. It is important for both the grantee and UNDEF to consider other applications of specific software development or upgrades beyond the scope of the project for sustained impact.

Theme: Media
Project: Narrowing the Gender Gap in Flood Affected Areas of Pakistan
Evaluation Date: July 2014
Report: [report link]
Lesson Learned:

The project developed and used a Gender and Governance Performance Scorecard to monitor governance and service delivery. It also used mobile phones to communicate instances of corruption and violence against women. Community members marked the scorecards and sent text messages to the authorities drawing attention to corrupt practices as well as violence against women. The grantee aggregated the data and the findings were discussed with local officials in quarterly Gender Reform Committee district meetings. However, resolving these issues required more than sharing the information with officials, and without follow up most of the problems remained unresolved.

Theme: Women's empowerment
Project: Empowering the Voice of a New Generation in Pakistan
Evaluation Date: August 2014
Report: [report link]
Lesson Learned:

A website was created which included a blog section for the youth. The site was easy to use and attractive, with places provided for participants where they could post their photos and news. It also provided a spot where newsletters were posted through to the end of the project. Little analytical data was available on the use of the website but the grantee reported it was underutilized, stating not all of the youth in Pakistan had access to the internet.

Theme: Youth engagement