Project: Learning Democracy DemoLab in Hungary
Evaluation Date: September 2020
Report: [report link]
Lesson Learned:

The Hungarian and other Eastern European public education systems have been facing a series of challenges (many of which are also shared by their Western European counterparts),

such as the lack of experience-based experimental education practices. Projects that open new perspectives for young people – to obtain new inspiration, ideas and skills that help

them to adapt to the real trends and challenges of the 21st century – are much in need everywhere in Europe.

Theme: Youth engagement
Project: Am I Equal in Kosovo Society?
Evaluation Date: July 2018
Report: [report link]
Lesson Learned:

When attempting to introduce or change perceptions of previously controversial and/or ‘taboo’ topics, organizations should highly consider the use of radio and TV in order to remove these concepts from social marginalization/isolation and encourage public debate on these topics.

Theme: Media
Project: Am I Equal in Kosovo Society?
Evaluation Date: July 2018
Report: [report link]
Lesson Learned:

To ensure meaningful and effective assessment of project results, use ‘SMART’ target indicators (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound). Organizations should use comparisons of pre- and post-project surveys to determine how their projects’ specific activities and results have contributed towards the achievement of the projects’ outcomes.

Theme: Media
Project: Active Citizens and Accountable Local Government
Evaluation Date: November 2012
Report: [report link]
Lesson Learned:

Compromise is often a necessary element of successful advocacy processes. Imperfect legislation for pedestrian’s rights can be better than no legislation, particularly when amendments can be introduced later. The original project proposal had included the development and drafting of legislation. However, when the Ministry of the Interior (MoI) launched a bill, IP determined that it would make more sense to engage in and influence the MOI’s proposal rather than seek to push their own initiative. IP engaged in a dual-pronged stategy during the advocacy process that included both constructive and frequent dialogue with the MoI on the content of the law as well as civic activism to pressure parliament on approval of the legislation.

Theme: Women's empowerment