Project: Increasing Women’s Participation in Politics and Decision Making in Angola
Evaluation Date: March 2013
Report: [report link]
Lesson Learned:

The project also collaborated closely with the Ministry of the Family and Women’s Promotion  and the Women Parliamentarian’s Group10  in Angola. The purpose of this group, created in 1995, is to integrate the gender perspective into legislation, promote the exercise of women’s rights, and fight all forms of exclusion. Strategically, the selection of the project’s partner organizations was wise, especially in view of their potential impact and multiplier effect, since all of them were involved in the training activities.

Theme: Women's empowerment
Project: Increasing Women’s Participation in Politics and Decision Making in Angola
Evaluation Date: March 2013
Report: [report link]
Lesson Learned:

The project was implemented at an opportune time (2011-2012), coinciding with the run-up to the 2012 elections. It also aligned with the drafting of the National Gender Equality Policy (2013) as part of the Angolan Government priority action for equal participation for men and women. The project objective thus responded to the unmet needs and challenges of the Angolan context, especially in the provinces and at the local level.

Theme: Women's empowerment