Project: Creating a Network of Young Reporters in Armenia
Evaluation Date: December 2014
Report: [report link]
Lesson Learned:

The grantee did not decentralize its manner of implementation or develop synergies with potential local partners and youth efforts which could have increased project efficiencies and added value to the project. The grantee implemented all of the trainings itself, using its existing staff and volunteers, some of whom they were able to hire then under the project as almost full-time tutors. There were no programmatic partnerships evident with local organizations or media outlets in the different regions which could have facilitated the grantee’s work and provided for continuity of effort with the youth when the grantee was not present or which could have helped to develop the links between the youth and their media products and the higher level democratic outcomes sought.

Theme: Media
Project: Creating a Network of Young Reporters in Armenia
Evaluation Date: December 2014
Report: [report link]
Lesson Learned:

The project lost relevance in implementation to achieving its development objectives as it focused on media skills and products and did not directly address the issues of youth participation, rights or democratization issues in Armenia. Although some youth showed full ownership and were substantially integrated into the project activities, others were not due to the intermittent nature of the contact. The grantee should increase focus on developing the links between skills training and producing media products and the democratic development outcomes sought.


Theme: Media
Project: Creating a Network of Young Reporters in Armenia
Evaluation Date: December 2014
Report: [report link]
Lesson Learned:

The grantee paid for the transport costs for children from outlying villages and towns to come to the central locations for the workshops. This allowed for the project to reach youth beyond those in the regional centers. This was an efficient way to reach youth in other areas of Armenia for a Yerevan-based organization. There was positive change in places by the youth asking questions about issues and taking photos and films of it. Many rural villages are small and these types of activities are not usual and would have been noticed.

Theme: Media