Project: Promotion of Women’s Empowerment and Rights in Somalia
Evaluation Date: June 2016
Report: [report link]
Lesson Learned:

Since the grantee did not have experience in working with such a large number of partners and in running a multi-faceted project of this kind, limiting the project’s complexity in this first instance was sensible. This project broke new ground for those leading and participating in it, and could be seen almost as a “pilot”. Now that lessons have been learned, it could well be replicated or extended to other regions.

Theme: Women's empowerment
Project: Civil Society Support Initiative on Political Marginalization in the Niger Delta in Nigeria
Evaluation Date: December 2012
Report: [report link]
Lesson Learned:

The decision by the grantee to stretch activities across all nine states in the Niger Delta diminished the level of investment available for activities at each project site. While the geographic span of activity increased the visibility of the project, it reduced the prospect for impact and enhancing prospects for sustainability of results. A more focused project, limiting activities to, perhaps, three states would have provided a more effective basis for testing and refining the methodology, and building the foundation for more ambitious efforts in the future.

Theme: Community activism
Project: Nigeria Procurement Monitoring Project
Evaluation Date: April 2012
Report: [report link]
Lesson Learned:

The project workshop covered a great deal of complex and challenging material on an intensive basis over two long days. Although materials were circulated in advance, according to participants, only those with a good prior knowledge of procurement and some understanding of the legal provisions of the Public Procurement Act would have been able to benefit fully from the workshop. Given the centrality of this activity to the project, it would have been sensible to eliminate at least one other activity in order to fully support this one.

Theme: Interaction with government
Project: Towards a better electoral process in Mongolia
Evaluation Date: November 2011
Report: [report link]
Lesson Learned:

The project accomplished its list of tasks, however its design was too ambitious for the resources available and some activities were only marginally accomplished. This included the training for police, judges and media, and the trainer-of-trainer (TOT) aspect of observation training. The loss of focus on TOT limited the project’s potential reach and effectiveness. These areas remain critical ones, especially for the justice sector.

Theme: Community activism
Project: Civil society advocating for quality education & healthcare in Mexico
Evaluation Date: February 2012
Report: [report link]
Lesson Learned:

The project intended to work at several levels. Locally, it targeted the states of Chiapas, Guerrero, and Hidalgo. At the state level it intended to work through advocacy and informational campaigns undertaken by multi-sector actors, and at the national level through consciousness-raising and advocacy efforts. The national level advocacy and networking with regional and global partners did not occur. The project’s objectives were ambitious and project staff felt working at the national level required more time, attention and resources than they had available.

Theme: Tools for knowledge
Project: Gender Equality and Equity - Follow Up to CEDAW and Romani women
Evaluation Date: November 2010
Report: [report link]
Lesson Learned:

There was a lack of continuity and follow-up in some areas of project work. This suggests that the project tried to include too many elements within a single project with limited resources. In the future, it is recommended that RCS be prepared to make some difficult choices in determining priorities, in order to ensure that adequate resources (including management time) are assigned to all project resources. The grantee would have benefited from advice about the benefits of focusing and concentrating its efforts on a shorter list of components, each pursued further, thus enhancing the prospect for impact.

Theme: Women's empowerment