Project: Civic Involvement for Transparency and Accountability in Kosovo
Evaluation Date: August 2015
Report: [report link]
Lesson Learned:

Participating CSOs were given training and reference materials to enable them to engage in hands-on processes including monitoring of the proceedings of the municipal assemblies and the decision-making of the municipal executive. The training also enabled them to draft monitoring reports, facilitate community participation and assess priority issues in local communities as well as to develop policy analysis, prepare policy briefs and engage in advocacy. The training was highly effective in all three cases, and was followed up by continuing coaching and accompaniment at key points in the process by the grantee project team.

Theme: Rule of law
Project: Strengthening Women’s Leadership in Jamaica
Evaluation Date: September 2011
Report: [report link]
Lesson Learned:

The training included a practical exercise where by the 10 women were given small sums of money to implement a community project in their area of interest. This served to reinforce the learning and provided hands on experience to these women in a mentored environment. This helped ensure the success of most mini-projects which in turn helped increase the trainees’ confidence and self-esteem and contributed to their community’s perception of them as leaders.

Theme: Women's empowerment