Project: Engendering democratic governance in South Asia
Evaluation Date: May 2012
Report: [report link]
Lesson Learned:

The local level Watch Groups and meetings created evidence and data on the status of women in grassroots democratic institutions which was used by the National Watch Groups built on the local data with analysis of the situation in national politics and democratic institutions. This provided a significant evidence-based advocacy platform, which was then reinforced and supplemented by newspaper features, radio profiles and debates, generated by the media people who had gone through the training.

Theme: Women's empowerment
Project: Citizens' Platform for Democratic Debates & Dialogues in Afghanistan
Evaluation Date: December 2011
Report: [report link]
Lesson Learned:

Limited evidence obtained from baseline research compromised the general objective of the project. This meant that the project design showed a poor understanding of the broad project context and political landscape which led to missed learning opportunities, and failure to map stakeholders and to allocate resources optimally. Duplication of efforts of other actors in Afghanistan wasted the grantee’s opportunity to complement other media democracy effects.

Theme: Media
Project: Campaign for Stressing Community Concerns and Seeking Political Resolutions in the South and South Centre of Iraq
Evaluation Date: December 2012
Report: [report link]
Lesson Learned:

A particularly innovative feature of the project was planning, implementing and using the findings from a large-scale public opinion survey, based on a random sample of 3,000 individuals, drawn from the population in the nine target provinces in Iraq. The report on the survey provided essential input to discussions on local priorities, in particular how to use non-violent methods in dispute resolution. The use of this survey was a positive factor in the success of three of the major, sequential activities of the project: the local focus groups, civic forums and provincial conferences.

Theme: Rule of law