Project: Strengthening Human Rights Protection Through Legal Education in Haiti
Evaluation Date: June 2018
Report: [report link]
Lesson Learned:

Grantees must be transparent with donors and target audience, sharing important information that can affect the implementation of the project, clearly explaining to the participating organizations in which framework the activities are based and which objectives they have. This requires a strong executive capacity that can manage by results. It should also involve a larger number of staff / members in project evaluation processes; and share evaluation reports with all its members to promote collective learning. Actions should be properly planned and documented using electronic records (administration and programmatic content) of implemented projects.

Theme: Rule of law
Project: Promoting democratic and human rights values among Rwandan youth
Evaluation Date: February 2014
Report: [report link]
Lesson Learned:

A project team made up of the grantee’s Executive Director and the Project Director was responsible for project management, while relevant board members provided strategic direction. The team was widely appreciated by project participants and trainers for its willingness to engage with them and its pro-active approach to dealing with young people’s concerns and needs. The quality of project management was also visible in how the grantee dealt with the political sensitivity of the issues raised.

Theme: Youth engagement