Project: Promoting democratic and human rights values among Rwandan youth
Evaluation Date: February 2014
Report: [report link]
Lesson Learned:

The project essentially targeted existing members of the NAR to the detriment of outreach towards other young people who were not involved with the organization. Although some clubs were established in the Eastern province during the project period, this was not a deliberate priority. More specific targeting of new groups of young people would have enhanced the project’s relevance by disseminating its benefits more broadly.

Theme: Youth engagement
Project: Education and Training of Youth for Democracy in Burkina Faso
Evaluation Date: June 2012
Report: [report link]
Lesson Learned:

The grantee was not able to provide indicators related to the number of leaders trained who voted; and no information was available to assess the impact of the messages delivered to the youth by the young trained leaders. In this respect, the grantee was very optimistic to consider that increasing knowledge would be sufficient to motivate and mobilize the young leaders, and by extension, the youth of Burkina Faso to vote.

Theme: Youth engagement
Project: Youth Training for Democracy and Development
Evaluation Date: May 2012
Report: [report link]
Lesson Learned:

The collective assessments conducted in Guatemala through local situation analysis, as well as the preparation of proposals for alternative projects, has motivated the local population to become more directly involved in the local management of development. A substantial number of young beneficiaries have joined the Municipal Development Councils, the bodies responsible for decision-making and municipal policy development, and other institutions such as the Municipal Bureaus and mayoralties.

Theme: Youth engagement